West Ridge Academy is an fully accredited school covering grades 3-12 certified through COGNIA. Our accredited education is structured around therapy. With a student-teacher ratio of 15:1, our licensed faculty are committed to preparing students to be successful now and in their future.
There are two separate campuses for boys and girls. Our curriculum follows the Utah Core standards, which is based on nationally recommended curriculum and we follow a range of online and live courses for math, english, science, and history. We follow IEP and 504 accomodations on individual needs. PE, art, and music classes are also included. Giving our students a well-rounded education is not only critical to their self worth, but essential for their success as adults.
For students who have struggled academically,West Ridge Academy offers credit recovery options designed to bring students in alignment with their graduation goals.
West Ridge Academy offers a blended learning model utilizing both classroom instruction and online learning. Parents can follow their student’s academic progress using GradeLink. Parent/Teacher conferences will be conducted quartely to review progress and goals.
Students with an Individual Education Plan (IEP) or 504 Accomodations Plan, the special education teacher will create an Education Service Plan (ESP) to address their needs.
Our Library contains hundreds of books including graphic novels, chapter books, modern favorites, and classics.
Yes. We are accredited through COGNIA, which is the same accrediting body that accredits public schools throughout Utah, Idaho, Washington, Wyoming and Oregon. Because we are accredited, all of the credits that any student earns at our school is transferable to any school in the United States.
All students wake-up by 6:30 am and begin their day. They wash, dress, do home chores and group, then head off to breakfast at 7:30 am. School starts at 8:30 am. Lunch happens from 11:30 am - 12:30 pm. After lunch, students attend 3rd and 4th period classes and finish their school day at 2:30 pm.
We are a small school with a limited amount of classes available. However, we do meet all the core class guidelines that a student will need to graduate from high school.
We understand that large classes make it hard for students to concentrate and be involved in the discussion. Our goal is to have all classes with no more than fifteen students per class.
We have several ways that parents can check on their student’s progress. The Academic Director sends parents an academic update every week. These updates are a great way for parents to get to know the advisors and address concerns that either party might have. All of these are important tools to assure that all of our students are having their needs met.