Preventing and Treating Teenage Pornography Addiction

Preventing and Treating Teenage Pornography Addiction

Today, pornography and explicit images pervade our society. They can be found in shopping centers, on the television, and on the computer. Scarily enough, pornography is now easier to access than ever with personal handheld devices that are small enough to fit in someone’s pocket. Pornography addictions are also becoming more and more widespread. Nobody is exempt. Men and women of all ethnicities and ages can become addicted to pornography. Today, several teens encounter pornography and become addicted. The following are things that parents should be aware of when addressing a teenage pornography addiction.

Prevention is the best medicine

In regards to teenage pornography addiction, prevention is the best medicine. The first thing that parents can do to prevent teenage pornography addiction is to have open conversation with their children. If parents talk openly about the dangers of pornography with their children and what to do when pornography is encountered, their teens will be more likely to avoid the perils of pornography. Teens should understand that viewing pornography can cause a mental addiction, just like substances such as alcohol, drugs, and tobacco. Parents should also communicate with their children that teenage pornography addiction distorts the definition of sexuality and can cause the addicted individual to objectify those around them.

Parents can also focus on how their children use media. By placing computers in public areas and by putting specialized filters on devices, parents can reduce the risk of teenage pornography addiction. Parents can also discuss with their teens wholesome and uplifting ways to use the internet and other media.

Communicating about teenage pornography addiction

Although prevention is the most effective way to combat a teenage pornography addiction, some parents are faced with the reality that their child is already involved with pornography. If you discover that your child is involved in pornography, it is important to communicate openly with your child regarding the problem. When having this discussion, parents should remember not to overreact, but to treat their child with love, respect, and concern.

Getting your teen the help he or she needs

Before looking for resources to help a teen overcome pornography, parents should be aware that there are different levels of pornography involvement. These levels range from inadvertent exposure, occasional use, intensive use, and addiction (Oaks). The level of involvement will affect the level of treatment your teen needs. Today there are several resources available to help teens struggling with pornography, including support groups, therapy, and counseling.

Sources: Oaks, D. (2015, October 14). Not All of It's Addiction—4 Types of Pornography Use & How to Recover from It. LDS Living.